Welcome to PyStrExt’s documentation!


To install:

pip install pystrext


>>> import pystrext as strext

>>> h,m,s = strext.extracts('elapse time : 5h 7m 36s','(\d+)h (\d+)m (\d+)s',['0']*3)
>>> h,m,s
('5', '7', '36')

Functions index

MB_GB(str[, MB, GB]) Transforms a string representing a memory MegaByte value into GigaBytes if value > 1024
MHz_GHz(str) Transforms a string representing a frequency from Mhz to Ghz if value > 1024
base62_decode(str) decode a base62 encoded number
base62_encode(i) encode an integer into base62
compress(s) Compress a string with gzip
extract(str, pattern) Search a pattern and return the first group of the first match.
extracts(str, pattern, default) Search a pattern and return groups of the first match.
file_unicode(f) Convert a filename (unicode, utf-8 or iso-8859-1) into unicode
file_unicode_list(l) Convert filenames into unicode strings inside a list
get_col(str, **kwargs) Extract a column from a string
if_val(val, str1, str2) Select one string depending on a value
is_email_valid(email) Check string is a correct email address
is_ip_valid(address) Check string is a correct IP address (ipv4)
no_one_many(n, str0, str1, str2) Select one string depending on a n equal to 0,1 or many
plural(str1, str2, n) Select one string depending on a numeric value
random_password([length]) Generate an “easy to memorize” random password
remove_accents(s) Remove accents
slugify(value) Convert string to a slug
truncate(str, maxsize[, max_end_str, ...]) Truncate a string to a specified length and add a suffix (if truncated only)
uncompress(s) Uncompress a gzipped string
version_lt(v1, v2) Compare 2 strings representing dotted version number
vjust(str[, level, delim, bitsize, fillchar]) Justify a string representing dotted version number

Functions documentation

Python String Extension

With pystrext module, you will be able to manipulate strings.

Created on 2 Feb. 2010
@author: elapouya
pystrext.MB_GB(str, MB='MB', GB='GB')

Transforms a string representing a memory MegaByte value into GigaBytes if value > 1024

One can specify his own unit

  • str (str) – string representing a value to be devided by 1024 if > 1024
  • MB (str) – string for the lowest unit
  • GB (str) – string for the highest unit

The converted string

Return type:



>>> MB_GB('512')
>>> '512 MB'
>>> MB_GB('2048')
>>> '2 GB'
>>> MB_GB('2048','MBytes','GBytes')
>>> '2 GBytes'

Transforms a string representing a frequency from Mhz to Ghz if value > 1024

Parameters:str (str) – string representing the frequency (Mhz)
Returns:The converted string
Return type:str


>>> MHz_GHz('377')
>>> '377 MHz'
>>> MHz_GHz('2048')
>>> '2.048 GHz'

decode a base62 encoded number

Parameters:str (str) – base62 string
Returns:decoded integer
Return type:int


>>> base62_decode('GW')
>>> 1024

encode an integer into base62

This can be usefull when encoding an item id to build a short url : see url shorteners like http://pack.li

Parameters:i (int) – the number to convert
Returns:base62 encoded string
Return type:str


>>> base62_encode(1024)
>>> 'GW'

Compress a string with gzip

It could be useful to compress some data without creating a file, this function do that.

Parameters:s (str) – The strings to compress
Returns:The compressed string
Return type:str


>>> s = "monty python" * 80
>>> len(s)
>>> c = compress(s)
>>> len(c)
>>> u = uncompress(c)
>>> len(u)
>>> s == u
pystrext.extract(str, pattern)

Search a pattern and return the first group of the first match.

The pattern must include a group selection, ie : it must include parentheses. Only the part inside the parentheses will be returned.

  • str (str) – The string to search a pattern
  • pattern (RegexObject or str) – A regular expression object or a string for the pattern to search

The extracted strings that matches the pattern or None if no match.

Return type:



>>> extract('the full monty python','(\w+) python')
>>> r=re.compile('>([^<]*)<')
>>> extract('this is text form : >the answer<',r)
'the answer'
pystrext.extracts(str, pattern, default)

Search a pattern and return groups of the first match.

The pattern must include a group selections, ie : it must include parentheses. Only the part inside the parentheses will be returned.

  • str (str) – The string to search a pattern
  • pattern (RegexObject or str) – A regular expression object or a string for the pattern to search

The extracted string for each group that matches the pattern or default argument if no match.

Return type:



>>> h,m,s = extracts('elapse time : 5h 7m 36s','(\d+)h (\d+)m (\d+)s',['0']*3)
>>> h,m,s
('5', '7', '36')

Convert a filename (unicode, utf-8 or iso-8859-1) into unicode

Parameters:f (str) – a filename
Returns:converted filename
Return type:unicode

Convert filenames into unicode strings inside a list

Parameters:l (list) – a filename list
Returns:converted filename list
Return type:list
pystrext.get_col(str, **kwargs)

Extract a column from a string

Some strings have got many columns seperated with a separator. Some strings may also have some sub-columns seperated with another separator. get_col() can extract one column/sub-column at any depth level. You have to specify one separator and one column number for each depth level you want to select.

Arguments name is important, it must be : col<n> and sep<n>.
Arguments are sorted so sep1/col1 is searched before sep2/col2
The separator can be a regular expression (by default will be ‘W+’)
  • str (str) – The listing row to parse
  • sep1 (str) – sperator 1
  • col1 (str) – column number 1
  • sepn (str) – sperator n
  • coln (str) – column number n

The column/sub-column requested

Return type:



>>> get_col("  4   0  95   0   0   0|   0    72k| 352k   40k|   0     0 | 435   138 ",col1=2,sep1='\|',col2=-1,sep2='\W+')
>>> get_col("/a/b/c/basename.date.jpg",col1=-1,sep1='/',col2=1,sep2='\.')
pystrext.if_val(val, str1, str2)

Select one string depending on a value

This function return str1 if val True, str2 if False.

str1 or str2 can be a string that may include ‘%(val)s’ : it will replaced by val value.
str1 or str2 can be a callable : it will be called with val as argument
  • val (any type) – value to test
  • str1 (str or callable) – The string to return if val
  • str2 (str or callable) – The string to return if not val

str1 or str2 or str1(val) or str2(val)

Return type:



>>> print if_val(3,"Item(s) found : %(val)s","No item found")
Item(s) found : 3
>>> print if_val(0,"Item(s) found : %(val)s","No item found")
No item found

Check string is a correct email address

It just checks string syntax. Useful for form checking.

Parameters:address (str) – email address string to check
Returns:True if email string syntax is correct.
Return type:bool


>>> is_email_valid('hello@world.com')
>>> True
>>> is_email_valid('hello@world')
>>> False
>>> is_email_valid('hello world')
>>> False

Check string is a correct IP address (ipv4)

It just checks IP string syntax. Useful for form checking.

Parameters:address (str) – IP address string to check
Returns:True if IP string syntax is correct.
Return type:bool


>>> is_ip_valid('')
>>> True
>>> is_ip_valid('')
>>> False
>>> is_ip_valid('12.23.34')
>>> False
>>> is_ip_valid('12.23.34a.45')
>>> False
>>> is_ip_valid('')
>>> False
pystrext.no_one_many(n, str0, str1, str2)

Select one string depending on a n equal to 0,1 or many

This function will return :

  • str0 if n <= 0
  • str1 if n == 1
  • str2 if n >= 2
str0, str1 or str2 can be a string that may include ‘%(n)s’ : it will replaced by n value.
str0, str1 or str2 can be a callable : it will be called with n as argument
  • n (int) – value to test
  • str0 (str or callable) – The string to return if n <= 0
  • str1 (str or callable) – The string to return if n == 1
  • str2 (str or callable) – The string to return if n >= 2

str0 or str1 or str2

Return type:



>>> print no_one_many(0,"No item","One item","%(n)s items")
No item
>>> print no_one_many(1,"No item","One item","%(n)s items")
One item
>>> print no_one_many(36,"No item","One item","%(n)s items")
36 items
pystrext.plural(str1, str2, n)

Select one string depending on a numeric value

  • str1 (str) – The string to return if n <= 1
  • str2 (str) – The string to return if n > 1
  • n (int) – the numeric value to test

str1 if n is 1 or less, str2 otherwise.

Return type:



>>> n=1
>>> print "found %d %s" % (n,plural("item","items",n))
found 1 item
>>> n=4
>>> print "found %d %s" % (n,plural("item","items",n))
found 4 items

Generate an “easy to memorize” random password

Parameters:length (int) – Password length (default : 8)
Returns:The random password
Return type:str


>>> random_password()
>>> 'rixerutu'

Remove accents

Parameters:s (str) – string to convert
Returns:same string without any accent
Return type:str


>>> remove_accents('Et voilà !')
>>> 'Et voila !'

Convert string to a slug

Parameters:value (str) – the string to convert
Returns:the slug
Return type:str


>>> slugify("he'l'lO  Wörld !")
>>> 'hello-world'
pystrext.truncate(str, maxsize, max_end_str='...', end_str_inside=True)

Truncate a string to a specified length and add a suffix (if truncated only)

  • str (str) – The string to truncate
  • maxsize (int) – string maximum size before truncating and adding a suffix
  • max_end_str (str) – suffix to add when string has been truncated (‘...’ by default)
  • end_str_inside (bool) – Tells whether the suffix is inside the truncated string so the final string length is no more than maxsize or is outside the truncated string so the final string length is no more than maxsize + suffix’s length

The truncated string

Return type:



>>> truncate('hello world !',80)
>>> 'hello world !'
>>> truncate('hello world !',5)
>>> 'he...'
>>> truncate('hello world !',5,end_str_inside=False)
>>> 'hello...'
>>> truncate('hello world !',5,' <a href="?more">more...</a>',False)
>>> 'hello <a href="?more">more...</a>'
>>> truncate('hello world !',80,' <a href="?more">more...</a>',False)
>>> 'hello world !'

Uncompress a gzipped string

You can uncompress both strings compressed with pystrext.compress() but also a .gz file that has been read with open() and read().

Parameters:s (str) – The gzipped string to uncompress
Returns:The uncompressed string
Return type:str


see pystrext.compress()

pystrext.version_lt(v1, v2)

Compare 2 strings representing dotted version number

The goal is to test whether a version string is older than another one. A version string looks like this : “” It can have as many dot you want, but the strings between dots cannot be more than 10 chars long. Strings comparaison are done “dot by dot” from left to right and stops as soon as the comparaison is not equal.

  • v1 (str) – version1 string
  • v2 (str) – version2 string

True is v1 older than v2

Return type:



>>> version_lt('1.2.0','1.12.0')
>>> True
>>> version_lt('1.2.0','1.1.9')
>>> False
>>> version_lt('1.43c','1.43f')
>>> True
>>> version_lt('','')
>>> True
pystrext.vjust(str, level=5, delim='.', bitsize=6, fillchar=' ')

Justify a string representing dotted version number

The goal is to justify/format a version string in a way it can be filtered by a SQL engine : Each substrings will get a fixed length so SQL string comparaison can be used.

  • str (str) – dotted version number
  • level (int) – number max of version substrings
  • delim (str) – separator (a dot by default)
  • bitsize (int) – substrings max length
  • fillchar (str) – the char used to fill the blanks

the justified string

Return type:



>>> vjust('1.2')
>>> '     1.     2.      .      .      .      '
>>> vjust('1.12')
>>> '     1.    12.      .      .      .      '
>>> vjust('1.12',fillchar='0')
>>> '000001.000012.000000.000000.000000.000000'

Indices and tables